Meet Marti
We didn’t have a chance to celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week this year, but we have a lot of volunteers to celebrate! We rely on volunteers to help us keep our properties looking good, to put together Welcome Home and other gift baskets for our tenants, and to take care of the front desk during lunch breaks and staff meetings.
One of those volunteers is Marti Van Horne. Marti sent a financial gift to CASA after reading about our affordable housing mission in the N&O around Christmas in 2013. She started volunteering a month later. Now she comes every week to help our receptionist with filing, mailings, answering the phone, and helping anyone who comes to our office.
When we asked Marti why she volunteers with CASA, she said this:
“Because I have a son who has been on disability for years I understand firsthand how being homeless drives people into too frequent stays at hospitals or in jail. I’m most fortunate that I was able to buy a small townhouse for him in Denver. The stabilizing effect of having a home has allowed him to become compliant with needed medications, and he has even learned to cook. There are still challenges, just like for some of the tenants at CASA, but now they are all able to live with security and have a little joy in their lives. I’d say that’s a pretty priceless gift.”
Check out our Facebook page for more stories about great volunteers! And if you or your group would like to volunteer, check out some volunteer opportunities on our website or contact Kathleen, our Volunteer Coordinator.