CASA Volunteer Opportunities
Homelessness Nonprofit in the NC TriangleHelp End Homelessness by Volunteering with CASA
In Office:
Monthly parking pass mailings: Many CASA property parking lots require a permit to park, or vehicles get towed. At those properties, CASA residents are issued 30-day visitor passes, which are mailed out within 5 days of the end of each month. This saves residents from the need to come to the office to pick them up. Volunteers would print the passes each month, changing the date and preparing them for mailing. The task takes approximately 3-4 hours.
At Home:
Welcome Home Baskets:
CASA welcomes new residents with these laundry baskets chock full of items that come in handy on those first few days/weeks of living in their new apartments! Small bottles of dish soap, laundry detergent, bar soap, and household cleaners. Kitchen towels, potholders, paper towels and toilet paper, bath towels, and any other special touches the volunteers wish to add. These are placed in the apartments for new lease signings.
Birthday Cake Kits:
CASA helps residents celebrate their birthdays with a Birthday Cake kit as they are available. The kit consists of a baking pan, a box of cake mix, a can of soda (sprite or Seven-UP), frosting, candles, and any other special touches the volunteers wish to add (a card or a gift card). Instructions for making the cake (without oil or eggs; just add soda). Bring the kits to the office and a CASA team member will deliver the kits.
In the Community:
Unit Inspections:
Many CASA properties are inspected by a variety of organizations prior to move-ins and annually for recertifications. Due to a 2–3-hour window for arrival, CASA staff are often held up waiting for an inspector to arrive. If there’s no one there to meet the inspector, the unit fails inspection, so it’s essential to have someone there waiting. Volunteers could save staff time and allow them to work on other tasks. Schedules will fluctuate.
Property Clean-Ups:
These are typically group projects of 6 to 15 people. Organizations schedule property clean-ups in the spring (late March through Early June) and fall (late September through mid-November). CASA selects a site with work suitable for the group size and skills. These usually occur between 9 AM and noon.
Start Your Own Fundraiser:
CASA relies on community support to bridge the gap between what our residents can afford to pay in rent and our costs to maintain their high-quality rental housing. With our peer-to-peer giving platform, your friends and family can join you in fundraising for CASA! Get started now by creating your own fundraising page.
Birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries are all wonderful occasions for celebrating, but why not skip the unwanted gifts and ask for donations towards CASA as your chosen charity instead? By asking your friends and family to donate, you will be raising awareness and supporting affordable housing in the Triangle. Set up your celebratory or in-memory fundraising campaign.
Get Creative
If online fundraising isn’t for you, there are many other ways you can raise donations for CASA. You could do a bake sale, get crafty and sell your creations online, plan a party, or host a class. For example, Blue Lotus Yoga Studio hosts an annual yoga class with the proceeds benefiting CASA.
We are here to help, and we’d love to hear about what you’re planning. With your permission, we might even be able to share your fundraising challenge or event via our social media pages. Let us know by emailing Cheyanne at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Organize a Gift Card Drive:
We collect donations of gift cards for essentials like groceries and toiletries to support our residents who may be facing a financial crisis. Walmart gift cards of $25 and above are the most useful because they provide variety and value. CASA’s Behavioral Health Intervention Team works closely with our residents in crisis and will distribute the gift cards to those in need.
For more information or questions regarding volunteer opportunities, please contact Kathleen DeRubio at 919-307-3433 or email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Keep an eye on this page for more volunteer opportunities! We will continue to post volunteer needs as they arise.