affordable housing

Did you know? Over 40% of people who are without affordable housing are living with disabilities. This disproportionate amount of need that has gone unaddressed directly impacts their ability to care for themselves and their families, further exacerbating the concerns both on an individual and community level. 


Creating additional disability housing options for the homeless in Raleigh, NC, is imperative to our shared success. When we gather around the tenets of our humanity and shared experiences, we can be stronger together — overcoming the gaps of need in our community and sharing what resources we have. 


Read on to learn more about CASA, the premier solution for affordable housing in Raleigh, NC. 


Why do we need more disability-friendly affordable housing? 

Without a home, those living with disabilities face a new set of challenges in addition to any medically-related challenges they are currently living with, an inability to have a “home base” for their care needs. This means that many have to go without critical and medically necessary services, compromising their quality of life and the vibrance that our community could hold. 


Additionally, statistically speaking, those who are living with disabilities and currently experiencing homelessness are more likely to become victims of crime — compromising the life, security, and quality of community in Raleigh, NC as a whole. 


What is CASA? Exploring options and Nonprofit organizations in Chapel Hill

CASA is an organization and Chapel Hill nonprofit that was formed in 1992 and has since provided those living locally with disabilities the resources they need to create a life where they can thrive. We specialize in fresh starts, primarily offering them through housing support. 


We champion accessible rent and empathetic property management, taking a proactive approach to prevent homelessness re-occurrence for those who come to us for support. This means that we work to provide 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year inspections and maintenance, continuing to put our tenants first. 


We are funded primarily by our gracious community members, who are equally passionate about improving the communities of Chapel Hill and Raleigh. 


Where can I learn more? 

Looking for support for yourself, for homelessness in Raleigh, NC, or for a loved one? We’re here to help. Connect with us today to learn more about accessible disability housing in your area.