We are so grateful to recognize some true examples of faith in action for CASA’s March Partner of the Month. Many thanks to Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham and one of our favorite Westminster members, Nancye Bryan, CASA’s Board chair.
Westminster Presbyterian played a huge role in opening CASA’s first community specifically for veterans who have been homeless and live with a disabilities. As the first phase of the Denson Apartments for Veterans got ready to open, the congregation raised over $7,000 to help with landscaping and to furnish the community room, where the tenants meet with service providers or gather for meals with volunteers. A few years later, after CASA purchased 79 apartments to renovate, Westminster’s members donated a portion of their Christmas Eve offering to help with preservation and renovation costs.
The church has included CASA in its Missions budget year after year, helping to support CASA households with monthly gifts. Their members attend our lunch and learns, invite friends to learn more about us, and welcome us into their pulpit once a year to thank them in person for their ongoing support.
CASA depends on exactly this kind of support from faith communities to keep nearly 500 households across the Triangle safe at home. Thank you, Westminster Presbyterian, for your faithful witness and service to your neighbors in Durham!